It’s been a whirlwind few days, moving into my space at #Bridge Street Studios but I have gathered my nuts and settled into my little (very cosy) nest. 

My plan had been to concentrate on my millinery to begin with but like all best laid plans I’ve needed to turn that on its head. #Tí Chullain has given some who space to fill and it’s open studios here in Bridge Street at the end of the week so I need to make make make felt wise…. As I have plenty of headpieces to show. 

Problem with being in such a creative hub is my imagination is ping ponging around my brain with possibilities… Now for the hard job, nose to the grindstone felt to the washboard suddy and soapy!!! I concentrated in some small landscapes on Saturday -Monday, they are now dry, stitched and waiting for frames. 

Today I’ll be working on some wearables, brooches and cuffs to have ready for open studios tomorrow night and Friday night. First I need some fuel, thank god #Strandfield is only 4 mins away from studio 🤗